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Dear Tian,
As you know much better than me, a DFT-SAPT needs "grac_shift" values for monomers. Please consider the below template employed for a given DFT-SAPT calculation:
memory 55 gb
molecule {
0 1
F 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.85087700
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.86870700
-1 1
Cl 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.03097600
units angstrom
symmetry c1
set {
basis aug-cc-pVTZ
df_basis_scf aug-cc-pvtz-jkfit
df_basis_sapt aug-cc-pvtz-ri
scf_type DF
guess sad
freeze_core True
sapt_dft_functional pbe0
sapt_dft_grac_shift_a 0.157
sapt_dft_grac_shift_b 0.215
The question is as follows:
the "sapt_dft_grac_shift_a" is always regarded to the monomer whose structure is given first (HF in the present case) and "sapt_dft_grac_shift_b" is always regarded to the monomer whose structure is given second (Cl anion in the present case). Is my statement quite correct?
If no, we should properly define monomer a (for which grac_shift_a is considered) and monomer b (for which grac_shift_b is considered). If possible, considering the given template, please let me know how these two monomers should explicitly and appropriately be defined in two blocks.
Dear Tian,
Thank you very very much, my nice friend.