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Please read Section 3.11.10 of Multiwfn manual, the theoretical background has been carefully introduced.
For a large ring, please only use multi-center bond order (alternatively, use AV1245), do not use multicenter DI (only supports up to 10 atoms). Your Multiwfn version is new enough.
Please do not use very old version. Due to my special algorithm for Multicenter Bond Index (see "Appendix: The extremely efficient implementation of MCBO in Multiwfn" in Section 3.11.2 of latest Multiwfn manual), current version of Multiwfn is able to calculate Multicenter Bond Index for arbitrarily large rings (even more than 100 atoms!)
Frankly speaking, I don't have any knowledge about TSCT and TBCT. The author Cheng Zhong had developed a script and shared in, which can realize this analysis. Please contact him via E-mail for more information about the script, or use Google translator to try to understand content of his post.
I don't know why you intend to use a very small delta value, perhaps you only want to consider the contribution from the "most" frontier MO? If yes, you can gradually decrease the delta value from the default value 0.1 a.u., each time you can choose "5 Print current orbital weights used in orbital-weighted (OW) calculation" to check the weights.
Taking examples\benzene.fch as example, if the delta is decreased to 0.01 a.u., you will see the following output after choosing option 5
10 Highest weights in orbital-weighted f+
Orbital 22 (LUMO ) Weight: 50.00 % E_diff: 3.410 eV
Orbital 23 (LUMO+1) Weight: 50.00 % E_diff: 3.410 eV
Orbital 24 (LUMO+2) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: 5.656 eV
Orbital 25 (LUMO+3) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: 7.147 eV
Orbital 26 (LUMO+4) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: 7.147 eV
Orbital 27 (LUMO+5) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: 7.789 eV
Orbital 28 (LUMO+6) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: 8.202 eV
Orbital 29 (LUMO+7) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: 8.202 eV
Orbital 30 (LUMO+8) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: 8.389 eV
Total weight of above listed orbitals: 100.00 %
10 Highest weights in orbital-weighted f-
Orbital 21 (HOMO ) Weight: 50.00 % E_diff: -3.410 eV
Orbital 20 (HOMO-1) Weight: 50.00 % E_diff: -3.410 eV
Orbital 19 (HOMO-2) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: -5.924 eV
Orbital 18 (HOMO-3) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: -5.924 eV
Orbital 17 (HOMO-4) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: -6.498 eV
Orbital 16 (HOMO-5) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: -8.011 eV
Orbital 15 (HOMO-6) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: -8.011 eV
Orbital 14 (HOMO-7) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: -8.639 eV
Orbital 13 (HOMO-8) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: -9.084 eV
Orbital 12 (HOMO-9) Weight: 0.00 % E_diff: -10.752 eV
Total weight of above listed orbitals: 100.00 %
Clearly, now only the degenerate two HOMOs and the two LUMOs contribute to orbital weighted Fukui function or dual descriptor.
I don't exactly know which data you are talking about, could you provide a screenshot?
Dear Asdrubal Lozada,
Very nice, I will mentioning your script in Multiwfn manual in the corresponding part of Section 2.7 of manual.
Because the patch may or may not work for other releases of Multiwfn source code, I think it is best to also upload the Multiwfn source code package (version 3.8(dev) Update [2024-Nov-13]) onto, so that other people can always use your script successfully.
Best regards,
Dear Sedsil,
Just put the three files in current folder, boot up Multiwfn and load any one of them, then enter main function 22, choose "2 Calculate various quantitative indices" to calculate various indices including condensed Fukui function, or choose "3 Calculate grid data of Fukui function, dual descriptor and related functions" to visualize Fukui function.
Fractional occupation number weighted electron density (FOD) proposed by Grimme is an important and very convenient method to visually detect and quantify static correlation, this method has been supported by Multiwfn since the version updated on 2024-Nov-13. Please check Section 4.A.7 of new Multiwfn manual for introduction and how to perform the analysis.
Note only for isolated systems, but also for periodic systems this method can be used, molden file produced by CP2K should be used in the latter case.
Sir, as you previously mentioned, I followed 'Section 3.21.1' and 'Section 4.18.1' for plotting the Photo-Induced Electron Transfer (PET) analysis diagram. However, this procedure only provides a map and does not include the energy state transition figure as illustrated in the attached diagram. I would greatly appreciate it if you could specify which software is used to generate such diagrams.
Additionally, I have another query regarding the Charge Decomposition Analysis (CDA) diagram in Multiwfn. These diagrams often include energy levels indicated in blue. Is it possible to plot the CDA diagram without displaying these energy values?
The energy level diagram was plotted manually by the authors (using such as powerpoint), not generated by Multiwfn.
Choose option "6 Disable labelling orbital indices" then replot.
Dear Saeed,
Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly derive the method and basis set used for generate the .wfn file.
Dear Camps,
When Multiwfn asks you to select a way to set up grid, you can choose option "8 Use grid setting of another cube file" and input path of an existing cube file, then the newly calculated grid data will share exactly the same grid setting with the existing cube file.
Multiwfn has been updated today. Stress tensor ellipticity has been added as the 118th user-defined function.
Dear Duc,
The atom indices in the two fragments are not contigouous. Please look at atom 198, it is in the large molecule, but it was set to fragment 2 (which should completely correspond to the small molecule).
In addition, implicit solvation model should not be used when performing sobEDA. The solvent contribution should be manually calculated, please check the paragraph "Solvation effect: influence of solvation effect on ..." in page 7025 of sobEDA original paper. In other words, can only be directly used to carry out energy decomposition analysis in gas phase.
Multiwfn is able to correctly calculate ESP when fch file was generated with use of ECP. Don't worry about it.
A relatively easy way is:
(1) Using main function 5 to calculate grid data of electron density with grid quality as fine as possible
(2) Then enter main function 13, choose "15 If data value is within certain range, set it to a specified value", input 0,0.025, and then input 0. Now electron density lower than 0.025 a.u. has been set to zero.
(3) Finally, choose "17 Show statistic data of grid points in specific spatial and value ranges", then input "a", now the "Integral of all data" shown on screen is the number of electrons enclosed by the 0.025 a.u. isosurface.
The data obtained in the aforementioned way is calculated by uniform integration grids, note that if there are very heavy atoms, this integration will be inaccurate even if very fine grid is used because of the very sharp electron density around nuclei. In that case the best way of obtaining this quantity is using basin analysis module and use mixed-grid to perform the integration, but modification of source code is needed.
Dear Prasanta,
You can use Multiwfn to easily calculate these function values and compare between different functionals.
You need to use a quantum chemistry or first-principle code to generate wavefunction files first, such as Gaussian, ORCA, NWChem, GAMESS-US, xtb, CP2K and so on, see Section 2.5 of Multiwfn manual for full list of supported wavefunction file format.
You can perform convergence test of the quantity of interest with respect to number of integration points, and thus to determine the least acceptable quality of integration grid.
Dear Jean-Pierre,
Multiwfn doesn't support plotting different spectrum curves in different styles (solid, dash, dot, etc.) to distinguish them. You need to export the curve data and plot via e.g. Origin. Alternatively, manually using e.g. Powerpoint to indicate different curves by arrows and labels.
I need your full input files to figure out the reason
Dear aslozada,
I will incorporate your code into Multiwfn release several days later and let you know here.
Dear Marcos Verissimo Alves,
Some suggestions:
1 In option "-5 Export basins as cube file", you can use command "a" to export basin.cub, which contains information of all basins.
2 Your quantum region is large, but the reactive region should be much smaller than this size. In the step of "Please select a method for setting up grid", you can consider to choose "8 Set center position, grid spacing and box length", and properly set the center and length of the box so that only reactive region is covered by the grids, the computational cost should be significantly lower than computing the entire quantum region.
3 To avoid calculating grid data twice, you can first use main function 5 to generate grid data for the reactive region, and export the grid data as a cube file, and then return to main menu, enter main function 17 and select 1 to generate basins, then choose "2: Generate the basins by using the grid data stored in memory". This run you can obtain indices of the basins of interest as usual. In the next time of running Multiwfn, you can use the cube file as input file, then still choose "2: Generate the basins by using the grid data stored in memory" when performing basin anaylsis.
Best regards,
Dear Georg,
Don't worry, you can safely use def2-TZVP for this case.
I don't know, I am not a Q-Chem user. In principle, if Q-Chem is able to store natural orbitals into a file that recognized by Multiwfn (formats like .fch, .molden, .wfn, .mwfn, etc.), then CHELPG charges can be calculated at the corresponding level by Multiwfn.
It should be "I .wfn" rather than "I.wfn"
Dummy atom is irrelvant to sobtop. Only real atoms can occur in the topology file created by sobtop.
Stress tensor analysis now is available:
New feature of Multiwfn updated on 2024-Oct-20:
Stress tensor defined by Bader now can be outputted for any position in main function 1, and can be outputted for critical points by option 7 in topology analysis module. Stress tensor stiffness and stress tensor polarizability are shown together, and they are also available as the 116th and 117th user-defined functions, respectively, see corresponding part of Section 2.7 of updated Multiwfn manual for details. In addition, stiffness of electron density is available as the 115th user-defined function.
Dear Tian, maybe I am missing something important here but I asked for:
5 Output average data of XY planes in a range of Z to output.txt
I inputed to span z from -8 to 8
and the prompt on the screen says:
There are 125 layers within the range
Column 1,2,3 correspond to X,Y,value respectivelySo how would I know to what Z each X,Y pair with its corresponding electron density value correspond to, so I can plot the elecytron density vs the z-axis?
This option is not what you need in the present context. You should use "18 Plot (local) integral curve or plane-averaged in X/Y/Z direction"
Please look at the prompt on screen, Multiwfn always clearly shows meaning of each column when exporting a plain text file.
Please check Section 4.13.6 of Multiwfn manual, there is an example of plotting charge displacement curve.
If you need to obtain "the point along z′ where the electron densities of the noninteracting fragments become equal.", you can use wavefunction file of fragment 1 to ask Multiwfn to plot plane-averaged curve of electron density of fragment 1, and then repeat the steps for fragment 2, and finally manually find the z' position by plotting the two curves together in e.g. Origin.