Dear Tian,
Many many thanks for your highly valuable guidance and comments. Now, I am going to center on your blog.
Dear Saeed,
I have a blog article to introduce different ways to add diffuse functions to def2 series of basis set, see //
Briefly speaking, such as aug-def2-TZVP borrows the diffuse functions from aug-cc-pVTZ or aug-pc-2 to def2-TZVP.
Dear Tian,
I have frequently seen the "def2-aug-TZVPP" basis set in various articles. I guess this basis set is the def2-TZVPP variant augmented with diffuse basis functions. If possible, please let me know where I can find this basis set for some desirable elements. I could not find this basis in
Moreover, please let me ask you what is the difference between above-mentioned basis set and "def2-TZVPPD" one.
Sincerely yours,