Program Development Features

This section documents keywords and options useful for developers who are extending and/or interfacing to Gaussian 09. It also discusses non-standard routes and the determination of the standard orientation.

Program Development-Related Keywords

The keywords and options described here are useful for developing new methods and other debugging purposes, but are not recommended for production level calculations.


We discuss here the general use ofRestart, designed for debugging. See theRestartsection for production use. This keyword restarts a calculation by reusing the read-write file. The formRestart L1reuses the read-write file but generates a new route.

Restarts using the original route can specify the occurrence of a particular link and whether to clean up or retain overlay and link-volatile files using the following syntax:

#P Restart[Ln[(m)]] [Clean|KeepOverlay|KeepAll]

When all parameters are specified, the job restarts at themth occurrence of Linkn.Cleanrequests that all routine and overlay volatile files be removed by Link1,KeepOverlayrequests that overlay-volatile files be retained but not link-volatile ones, andKeepAllretains everything. The default is toKeepAllif the read-write file is set up for an intra-link restart andCleanotherwise.


This keyword controls various details of the operating system interface. The options are standard, but not all are implemented (or even relevant!) in every version.

FileIODump Dump FileIO tables at the end of each link.FDumpis a synonym for this keyword.
TimeStamp Turn on time stamping.TStampis a synonym for this keyword.
FileIOPrint Turn on additional debug print in FileIO.
Synch Currently a no-op (appears in a few test jobs).
NoDFTJ Turn off use of the pure Coulomb term for non-hybrid DFT (seldom useful in production jobs).
AbelianOnly Force the use of only abelian symmetry (seldom useful in production jobs).
NoPackSort Turn off packing addresses into 32-bits during sorts, even if the address space being sorted is < 231(seldom useful in production jobs).

This option sets the maximum amount of memory which will be dynamically allocated.MDVandCoreare synonyms forIOp2.

This sets the standard debug print option as specified.For example, the following setsIOp(33)to 3 in all invocations of overlay 2, andIOp(33)to 1 in all invocations of overlay 7:


TheGaussian 09 IOps Referencealso documents all internal options (IOps). They are also documented on our web


The following options are used for debugging:

KeepMicro Keep all EE centers in CPHF, even forOpt=CalcFCorOpt=CalcAllwith non-quadratic microiterations, where atoms that are not used in internal coordinates need not be included in the CPHF.
NoReuse Do not reuse the electric field CPHF solution in the 2nd(nuclear) CPHF during frequency calculations. The default isReUse.
XY Treat real and imaginary perturbations together. The opposite isNoXY, which does them separately. The default is to treat them separately if nuclear perturbations are also being done, but to treat them together if there are only electromagnetic perturbations.
ZVector Use the Z-Vector method[Diercksen81,Diercksen81a,Handy84]for post-SCF gradients. Allowed and the default if Hartree-Fock 2nd derivatives are not also requested. TheNoZVectorkeyword says to use the full 3 × NAtomsCPHF for post-SCF gradients.

The following options are available for debugging:

LMax=N Specifies the maximum order multipole. The default is 25.
Levels=N Specifies the number of levels to use in the FMM. The default is 8 for molecules and is adjusted dynamically for PBC.
Tolerance=N Specifies the accuracy level as 10-N. The default values forNare 11 except for pass 0 of the SCF where it is 7.
JBoxLen=N Sets the minimum box length (size) toN/1000 Bohrs when doing J. By default,Nis 2.5. The maximum ofJBoxLenandKBoxLenis used if J and K are done at the same time.BoxLenis a synonym forJBoxLen.
KBoxLen=N Sets the minimum box length (size) toN/1000 Bohrs when doing K. By default,Nis 0.75. The maximum ofKBoxLenandJBoxLenis used if K and J are done at the same time.
AllNearField Turn on all near-field in FMM.
NoParallelCPHF Forbid parallel execution in FMM during the CPHF phase.NoParCPHFis a synonym for this option.

The following options are used for debugging:

CNDO Do calculation in main code using CNDO/2 integrals.
INDO Do calculation in main code using INDO/2 integrals.
ZIndo1 Do calculation in main code using ZIndo/1 integrals.
ZIndoS Do calculation in main code using ZIndo/S integrals.
DPRISM Use the PRISM algorithm[Gill94]for spdf integral derivatives. This is the default.
Rys1E Evaluate one-electron integrals using the Rys method[Dupuis76,King76,Rys83], instead of the default method. This is necessary on machines with very limited memory.
Rys2E If writing two-electron integrals, use Rys method (L314)[Dupuis76,King76,Rys83,Schlegel84]. This is slower than the default method, but may be needed for small memory machines and is chosen by default if regular (non-Raffenetti) integrals are requested (by theNoRaffoption).
DSRys Use scalar Rys integral derivative code. Can combine withBernyfor df only using Rys.
Berny Use Berny sp integral derivative and second derivative code (L702).
Pass Passspecifies that the integrals be stored in memory via disk, andNoPassdisables this. Synonymous withSCF=[No]Pass, which is the recommended usage.
NoJEngine Forbid use of special Coulomb code.
NoSP Do not use the special sp integral program (L311) when writing integrals to disk.
RevDagSam Reverse choice of diagonal sampling in Prism.
NoSchwartz Do not use Schwartz integral estimates (only use the heuristic set).Schwartzsays to use the Schwartz integral estimates in addition to the heuristic set. The default is to use both.
RevRepFock Reverse choice of Scat20 vs. replicated Fock matrices.
NoDFTCut Turn off extra DFT cutoffs.
SplitSP Split AO S=P shells into separate S and P shells.NoSplitSPis the default.
SplitSPDF Split AO S=P=D and S=P=D=F shells into S=P, D, and F.NoSplitSPDFis the default.
SplitDBFSPDF Split density S=P=D and S=P=D=F into S=P, D, and F.NoSplitDBFSPDFis the default.
NoGather Forbid use of gather/scatter digestion, even when processing small numbers of density matrices.Splatteris a synonym for this option.
ForceNuc Do nuclear-electron Coulomb with electron-electron.
SepJK Do J and K in HF/hybrid DFT separately for testing.
Seq2E Set up for parallel 2 electron integral evaluation but then do not run in parallel (for debugging).
SeqXC Set up for parallel 2 electron integral evaluation but then do not run in parallel (for debugging).
SeqLinda Cause Linda workers to run sequentially. Currently just makes the Linda workers other than the master run simultaneously but before the master.
BigAtoms Make all atom sizes large in XC quadrature.
BigShells Make all shell sizes large in XC quadrature.
NoSymAtGrid Do not use (Abelian) symmetry to reduce grid points on symmetry-unique atoms.
LinMIO Convert to linear storage inFoFCoufor testing.
RevDistanceMatrix Reverse choice of whether to precompute distance matrix during numerical quadrature. The default is to precompute for molecules but not for PBC.
NoDynParallel Turn off dynamic work allocation.

The following options are used for debugging:

Loose Sets the cutoff to 5 * 10-5.
Medium Sets the cutoff to 5 * 10-7. This is the default for semi-empirical methods.
Tight Sets the cutoff to 1 * 10-10. This is the default for DFT methods.
N Sets the cutoff to 1 * 10-N.


This requests that additional links be executed. They are added to all instances of their overlay after the regular links. For example, ExtraLinks=L9997 will cause each instance of overlay 99 to include links 9999 (by default) and 9997, in that order.

This command requests that extra overlay cards be read in non-standard route format and inserted into the standard route immediately before the final (overlay 99) card.

Skip initial overlay cards in the route.Skip=OvNNNskip until first occurrence of overlay NNN.Skip=Mskip first M cards.

This specifies alternate routes through the program.

L123 Use L123 instead of L115 for IRC. This is the default for IRC, except for IRCMax jobs.
L402 Use old link 402 code for semi-empirical.
L503 Use link 503 for SCF.
L506 Use link 506 for ROHF.


If a combination of options or links is required which is drastically different than a standard route, then a complete sequence of overlays and links with associated options can be read in. The job-type input section begins with the line:

# NonStd

This is followed by one line for each desired overlay, in execution order, giving the overlay number, a slash, the desired options, another slash, the list of links to be executed, and finally a semicolon:


For example:


specifies a run through the links 702, 703, and 716 (in this order), with option 5 set equal to 3 and option 7 equal to 4 in each of the links. If all options have their default value, the line would be


A further feature of the route specification is thejump number. This is given in parentheses at the end of the link list, just before the semicolon. It indicates which overlay line is executed after completion of the current overlay. If it is omitted, the default value is+0, indicating that the program will proceed to the next line in the list (skipping no lines). If the jump number is set to-4, on the other hand, as in


then execution will continue with the overlay specified four route lines back (not counting the current line).

This feature permits loops to be built into the route and is useful for optimization runs. An argument to the program chaining routine can override the jump. This is used during geometry optimizations to loop over a sequence of overlay lines until the optimization has been completed, at which point the line following the end of the loop is executed.

Note that non-standard routes are not generally created from scratch but rather are built by printing out and modifying the sequence produced by the standard route most similar to that desired. This can be accomplished most easily with thetestrtutility.

A Simple Route Example. The standard route:


causes the following non-standard route to be generated:

1/38=1/1; 2/12=2,17=6,18=5,40=1/2; 3/6=3,11=1,16=1,25=1,30=1,116=1/1,2,3; 4//1; 5/5=2,38=5/2; 6/7=2,8=2,9=2,10=2,28=1/1; 99/5=1,9=1/99;

The resulting sequence of programs is illustrated below:

A Simple Route Sequence
A Simple Route Sequence

The basic sequence of program execution is identical to that found in anyab initioprogram, except that Link 1 (reading and interpreting the route section) precedes the actual calculation, and that Link 9999 (writing to the checkpoint file) follows it. Similarly, an MP4 single point has integral transformation (links 801 and 804) and the MP calculation (link 913) inserted before the population analysis (Link 601) and Link 9999. Link 9999 automatically terminates the job step when it completes.

A Route Involving Loops. The standard route:

# RHF/STO-3G Opt

produces the following non-standard route:


The resulting sequence of program execution is illustrated below:

A Route Involving Loops
A Route Involving Loops

Several considerations complicate this route:

The first point has been dealt with by having two basic sequences of integrals, guess, SCF, and integral derivatives in the route. The first sequence includes Link 101 (to read the initial geometry), Link 103 (which does its own initialization), and has options set to tell Link 401 to generate an initial guess. The second sequence uses geometries produced in Link 103 in the course of the optimization, and has options set to tell Link 401 to retrieve the wavefunction from the previous geometry as the initial guess for the next.

The forward jump on the eighth line has the effect that if Link 103 exits normally (without taking any special action), the following lines (invoking Links 202 and 9999) are skipped. Normally, in this second invocation of Link 103, the initial gradient will be examined and a new structure chosen. The next link to be executed will be Link 202, which processes the new geometry, followed by the rest of the second energy+gradient sequence, which constitutes the main optimization loop. If the second invocation of Link 103 finds that the geometry is converged, it exits with a flag which suppresses the jump, causing Links 202, 601 and 9999 to be invoked by the following lines and the job to complete.

Lines 11-16 form the main optimization loop. This evaluates the integrals, wavefunction, and gradient for the second and subsequent points in the optimization. It concludes with Link 103. If the geometry is still not converged, Link 103 chooses a new geometry and exits normally, causing the backward jump on line 16 to be executed, and the next line processed to be line 11, beginning a new cycle. If Link 103 finds that the geometry has converged, it exits and suppresses the jump, causing the concluding lines (17-19) to be processed.

The final instance of Link 601 prints the final multipole moments as well as the orbitals and population analysis if so requested. Finally, Link 9999 generates the archive entry and terminates the job step.

MP and CI optimizations have the transformation and correlation overlays (8 and 9) and the post-SCF gradient overlays (11 and 10, in that order) inserted before overlay 7. The same two-phase route structure is used for numerical differentiation to produce frequencies or polarizabilities.

The route forOpt=Restartis basically just the main loop from the original optimization, with the special lines for the first step omitted. The second invocation of Link 103 is kept and does the actual restarting.

Standard Orientation Conventions

Before a calculation is performed, a molecule can be reoriented to a different coordinate system, called the standard orientation, with the use of molecular symmetry. In geometry optimizations, reorientation occurs at every step; the program then checks if the standard orientation of a molecule has flipped by 180 degrees during an optimization and avoids the flip. This avoids jumps when animating optimizations, IRCs, etc. in GaussView and improves SCF convergence.

This section describes the goals, factors to consider, and various rules for positioning axes for the standard orientation of molecules.


The goals for selecting conventions for standard orientation are:


The factors that should be considered for standard orientation are:


Criteria for rotating and aligning an axis are listed below. If rotation is required to meet one of these criteria, it should be a 180 degree rotation about the X, Y, or Z axis, defined as follows:

X Rotate about Y
Y Rotate about Z
Z Rotate about X

An axis of rotation or a principal axis of charge can be aligned with a Cartesian axis in one of two ways—either parallel or antiparallel, depending on the successive application of the following tests until a definite result is achieved:


In the absence of any other rules, the principal axis corresponding to the largest principal moment of charge must be aligned with the highest priority Cartesian axis available. Individual point groups have specific considerations:

Cs The molecular plane must be made coincident with the XY plane. Note that although this convention conflicts with Mulliken’s suggestion, it is consistent with the character tables of Cotton and Herzberg. The molecule is then rotated about the Z axis according to the rules given below for Cnmolecules.
C2v The molecular plane is placed in the YZ plane, following Mulliken’s recommendation for planar C2vmolecules. The following tests are successively applied for non-planar molecules:(1)The mirror plane with the most atoms is put in the YZ plane;(2)The mirror plane with the most non-hydrogen atoms is put in the YZ plane;(3)The mirror plane with the lowest numbered atom is made coincident with YZ. Finally, the axes of charge rules are applied (as described above).
Planar,D2h Following Mulliken’s recommendation, the molecular plane is placed in the YZ plane. The molecule is rotated about the X axis so that the Z axis can pass through either the greater number of atoms, or, if this is not decisive, the greater number of bonds.
Cn Follow the rules for general symmetric top molecules.
Ci Translate but do not reorient.
C1 Translate but do not reorient.


Symmetric top molecules are distinguished by having two of three moments of inertia equal. The third moment can thus be uniquely identified as the reference axis and the point group is analyzed by considering circular sets of atoms.

The following rules are applied for symmetric top molecules:


Spherical top molecules are distinguished by having their equal moments of inertia and can be characterized by identifying spherical sets of atoms.

A spherical-set of atoms is composed of atoms which are equidistant from the origin and have the same atomic number. Spherical-sets should be ordered in terms of increasing distance from the origin and of increasing atomic number at any one distance. The key atom is the lowest numbered atom in the first spherical-set.

Although not generally the case, it is possible, with appropriate geometric constraints, to have D2d, D2h, or D2molecules that are symmetric tops. Such molecules have three perpendicular two-fold axes that are aligned with the X, Y, and Z axes in accordance with the rules given above.

RWF Numbers

The following is a list of read-write files. Those that are permanently on the checkpoint file are marked with the letterP, and those that are temporarily on the checkpoint file are marked with the letterT.Tfiles are saved for use in restarting an optimization or numerical frequency run, but are deleted when the job step completes successfully.

Type RWF Description
P 501 Gen array.
P 502 /LABEL/—Title and atomic orbital labels.
503 Connectivity information (MxBond,0),NBond(NAtoms),IBond(MxBond,NAtoms),RBond(MxBond,NAtoms), where arrays are rounded to a multiple of IntPWP.
504 Dipole derivative matrices (NTT,3,NAt3).
P 505 Array of copies of /Gen/ from potential surface scan.
P 506 Saved basis set information before massage, uncontraction, etc.
P 507 ZMAT/ and /ZSUBST/.
P 508 /IBF/ Integral Bugger Format.
509 Incomplete integral buffer.
T 510 /FPINFO/ Fletcher-Powell optimization program data.
P 511 /GRDNT/ energy, First and second derivatives over variables, NVAR.
P 512 Pseudo-potential information.
P 513 /DIBF/ integral derivative buffer format.
514 Overlap matrix, optionally followed by absolute overlap and absolute overlap over primitives.
515 Core-Hamiltonian. There are four matrices here: H(α), the α core Hamiltonian; H(β), the β core Hamiltonian; G'(α), the α G' contribution to Fock matrix; G'(β), the β G' contribution to Fock matrix. H(α) and H(β) differ only if Fermi contact integrals have been added. The G' matrices are for perturbations which are really quadratic in the density (and hence have a factor of 1/2 in their contribution to the energy as compared to the true one-electron terms) but which are computed externally to the SCF.
516 Kinetic energy and modifications to the α and β core Hamiltonian. These include ECP terms, Douglas-Kroll-Hess corrections, multipole perturbations and Fermi contact perturbations. The latter are used for calculations in which the nuclear and electronic Coulomb terms are computed together, such as the Harris functional and PBC calculations. For semi-empirical, holds the core Hamiltonian without nuclear attraction terms for use in the initial guess.
517 Fermi contact integrals.
T 519 Common /OptEn/—optimization control for link 109.
T 520 Electronic state: count and packed string (1+9 integers).
P 521 Electronic state: count and packed string (1+9 integers).
P 522 Eigenvalues, alpha and if necessary, beta.
523 Symmetry assignments.
P 524 MO coefficients, real alpha.
P 525 (no longer used)
P 526 MO coefficients, real beta.
P 527 (no longer used)
T 528 SCF density matrix, real alpha.
T 529 (no longer used)
T 530 SCF density matrix, real beta.
T 531 (no longer used)
T 532 SCF density matrix, real total.
T 533 (no longer used)
T 534 SCF density matrix, real spin.
535 (no longer used)
536 Fock matrix, real alpha.
537 Fock matrix, imaginary alpha.
538 Fock matrix, real beta.
539 Fock matrix, imaginary beta.
540 Molecular alpha-beta overlap (U), real.
541 Molecular alpha-beta overlap (U), imaginary.
T 542 Pseudo-potential information.
T 543 Pseudo-potential information.
T 544 Pseudo-potential information.
P 545 /ORB/ - window information.
546 Bucket entry points.
547 Eigenvalues (double precision with window: always alpha and beta, even in RHF case).
P 548 MO coefficients (double precision with window, alpha and if necessary beta). Complex if necessary.
549 Molecular orbital alpha-beta overlap, double precision with window.
T 550 Potential surface scan common block.
T 551 Symmetry operaiton info (permutations, transformation matrices, etc.)
P 552 Character strings containing the stoichiometric formula and framework group designation.
T 553 Temporary storage of common/gen/ during FP optimizations.
T 554 Alternate starting MO coefficients, from L918 to L503, real alpha. Also MO coefficients in S-1/2basis for L509 and rotation angles from L914 to L508.
555 Alternate starting MO coefficients, from L918 to L503, imaginary alpha.
T 556 Alternate starting MO coefficients, from L918 to L503, real beta. Also MO coefficients in S-1/2basis for L509 and rotation angles from L914 to L508.
557 Alternate starting MO coefficients, from L918 to L503, imaginary beta.
558 Saved HF 2nd derivative information for G1, G2, etc.
559 Common /MAP/.
560 Core-Hamiltonian (a. o. basis) with 2 j - k part of deleted orbitals added in. (i.e. frozen core).
P 561 External point charges or SCIPCM informations.
P 562 Symmetry operations and character table in full point group.
T 563 Integer symmetry assignments (α).
T 564 Integer symmetry assignments (β).
T 565 Lists of symmetry equivqlent shells and basis functions.
T 566 Unused in G09.
T 567 GVB pair information (currently dimensioned for 100 paired orbitals).
P 568 Saved hamiltonian information from L504 and L506.
P 569 Saved read-in window.
P 570 Saved amplitudes (IAS1,IAS2,IAD1,IAD2,IAD3; only IAS1 and IAD2 for closed-shell).
571 Energy weighted density matrix.
572 Dipole-velocity integrals , X, Y, and Z, followed by R × Del integrals (R × X, R × Y, R × Z).
573 More SCIPCM information.
T 574 /MSINFO/ Murtaugh-Sargent program data.
T 575 /OPTGRD/ Gradient optimization program data for L103, L115, and L509.
T 576 /TESTS/ Control constants in L105.
T 577 Symmetry adapted basis function data.
T 578 A logical vector indicating which MO’s are occupied.
T 579 NEQATM (NATOMS*NOP2) for symmetry.
T 580 NEQBAS (NBASIS*NOP2+NBas6D*NOp2) for symmetry.
T 581 NSABF (NBASIS*NOP2) for symmetry. Followed by matching integer character table, always (8,8).
T 582 MAPROT (3*NBASIS) for symmetry.
T 583 MAPPER (NATOMS) for symmetry.
P 584 FXYZ (3*NATOMS) cartesian forces. During PSCF gradient runs, there will be two arrays here: first the PSCF gradient, then the HF only component (needed for PSCF with HF 2nd deriv).
P 585 FFXYZ (NAT3TT) cartesian force constants (lower triangle).
T 586 Info for L106, L110, and L111.
T 587 L107 (LST) data.
588 Sx over cartesians in the ao basis.
589 Hx over cartesians in the ao basis.
590 F(x) over cartesians in the ao basis (all α, followed by all β for UHF) (without CPHF terms).
591 U1(A,I) -- MO coefficient derivatives with respect to electric field and nuclear coordinates.
592 Electric field and nuclear P1 (AO basis).
593 Electric field and nuclear W1 (AO basis).
594 Electric field and nuclear S1 (MO basis).
595 Magnetic field U1(A,I) -- Del(X,Y,Z) then R × (X,Y,Z), 6 α followed by 6 β.
596 Full MO Fock derivatives in the MO basis, including CPHF terms.
P 597 Configuration changes for Guess=Alter.
598 User Name.
599 Density basis set info: NDBFn, NVar, U0, DenBfn(4,NDBfn), ITypDB(NDBfn), Var(NVar), IJAnDB(NDBfn), IVar(4,NDBfn).
600 Saved data for intra-link restart.
P 601 Saved structures, and possibly forces and force constants along reaction path. All structures, then all forces, then all force constants.
602 Post-SCF two-particle density matrix.
P 603 Density Matrices at various levels of theory.
T 604 common /drt1/ from drt program ... misc integer ci stuff, followed by variable dimension drt arrays.
P 605 Atomic charges from Mulliken Populations, ESP fits, etc. Bitmap followed by 0 or more NAtoms arrays. Bits 0/1/2/3/4 Mulliken/ESP-fit/Bader/NPA/APT.
606 SCF orbital symmetries in Abelian point group. Alpha and, if necessary, beta, full set followed by windowed set.
607 Window’d orbital symmetries like rw 606 (always alpha and beta).
608 IBF for sorted integrals (normally on SAO unit).
609 Bit map for sorted integrals (normally on SAO unit).
610 Sorted AO integrals (normally on SAO unit).
611 NTT maps for sorted integrals (normally on SAO unit).
612 Some 1E generators for direct CI matrix element generation.
613 Some more 1E generators for direct CI matrix element generation.
614 Configuration information for CAS-MP2.
615-616 Used for CAS-MP2.
617 Spin-orbit integrals.
P 618 Nuclear coordinate third derivatives.
P 619 Electric field derivatives: 1 WP word bit map, dipole, dipole derivative, polarizability, dipole 2nd derivatives, polarizability derivatives, hyperpolarizability.
620 Magnetic field derivatives for GIAOs.
621 Susceptiblity and chemical shift tensors.
622 Partial overlap derivatives (, NBasis*NBasis*NAt3).
P 623 Born-Oppenheimer wavefunction derivatives ( for electronic Phi and a,b nuclear, NAt3TT).
624 Unused in G09.
625 Expansion vectors and AY products from CPHF, in the order Y α, AY α, Y β, AY β.
627 MCSCF MO Lagrangian (NTT).
629 AO 2PDM (shell order).
T 630 MCSCF information.
631 Post-SCF Lagrangian (TA, then TB if UHF).
632 O*V*3*NAtoms, followed by O*V*NVar d2E/d(V,O)d(XYZ,Atom).
P 633 Excited-state CI densities.
T 634 SCF Restart information (alpha, then possibly beta MOs).
P 635 CIS and CASSCF CI coefficients and restart information.
636 NBO analysis information.
637 Natural orbitals generated by link 601.
640 MCSCF data or CIS AO Tx’s for 2nd derivatives.
641 MCSCF data for 2nd derivatives.
642 MCSCF data for 2nd derivatives.
643 MCSCF data for 2nd derivatives.
644 MCSCF data for 2nd derivatives.
645 MCSCF data for 2nd derivatives.
646 MCSCF data for 2nd derivatives.
647 MCSCF data for 2nd derivatives.
648 MCSCF data for 2nd derivatives.
649 Eigenvalue derivatives (non-canonical form even if done canonically).
650 2PDM derivatives, (LenTQ,NDeriv,ShellQuartet) order.
651 Full U’s, canonical or non-canonical as requested.
652 Generalized density derivatives for the current method (NTT,NDeriv,IOpCl+1).
653 Lagrangian derivatives for the current method (NTT,NDeriv,IOpCl+1).
654 Gx(Gamma).
655 G(Gamma).
656 Non-symmetric S1 and S2 parts of Lagrangian for MP2 or CIS second derivatives.
657 t*Ix and t*Ix/D matrices from L811 for L1112.
658 L(x) from L1111.
659 MO correlated W for correlated frequencies.
660 2nd order CPHF results: Pia,xy, Sxy, Fxy (complete) all in MO basis, PSF α then PSF β if UHF.
661 Computed electric field from L602.
662 Points for electrostatic evaluation.
T 663 Saved information for L117 and L124.
664 Spin projection data.
P 665 Redundant coordinate information.
666 (no longer used)
667 CIS AO Fock matrix.
668 CIS Gx(T) matrices.
669 Saved /ZMat/ and /ZSubst/ during redundant optimzations.
P 670 New format basis set data (compressed /B/).
P 671 New optimization (L103/L104) data.
P 672 Unused in G09.
673 Global optimization data.
674 ONIOM internal data.
675 Saved files for LS during ONIOM.
676 Saved files for MS during ONIOM.
677 Saved files for LM during ONIOM.
678 Saved files for HS during ONIOM.
679 Saved files for MM during ONIOM.
680 Saved files for LL during ONIOM.
681 Saved files for HM during ONIOM.
682 Saved files for ML during ONIOM.
683 Saved files for HL during ONIOM.
684 SABF information for DBFS: equivalent to files 577 and 581 for AOs.
685 Cholesky U, or transformation to surviving basis functions.
686 Cholesky U-1.
687 Molecular mechanics parameters.
688 Density in orthogonal basis (α spin) for ADMP or sparse SCF.
691 Saved initial files during ONIOM (gridpoint 17, hence 674+17=691).
694 Permutation applied to MOs for post-SCF symmetry.
695 Magnetic properties.
696 Saved magnetic field density derivatives.
698 Saved initial structure during geometry optimization, in standard orientation, also used for constraints with the force constants following the structure.
699 Density in orthogonal basis (β spin) for ADMP or sparse SCF.
700 Saved /Mol/ for ONIOM.
701 Saved Trajectory/IRC/Optimization history.
702 Fit density for Coulomb.
703 Fit density for Coulomb.
704 Saved XC contribution to electric field F(xa) for polar derivatives.
P 710 Basic PCM information.
P 711 Other PCM data.
P 712 Non equilibrium data for PCM.
713 Saved information for RFO with ONIOM microiterations.
714 Saved model system information for ONIOM microiterations.
715 Saved rigid fragment information for ONIOM microiterations.
T 716 Saved copy of basis set data for counterpoise.
T 717 Saved copy of ECP data for counterpoise.
T 718 Saved copy of fitting basis for counterpoise.
719 Saved DiNa information.
P 720 Saved DiNa information.
721 Frequency-dependent properties.
722 Derivatives of frequency-dependent properties.
723 Density fitting matrices (metrics).
724 Density fitting basis (same format as /B/).
725 DBF symmetry information (NEqDBF(NDBF,NOp2),NEqDB6(NDBF6D,NOp2)).
726 DBF shell symmetry information (NEqDBS(NDBShl,NOpAll)).
727 F(x)(P-Pfit) for density fitting second derivatives.
728 PBC cell replication information.
729 Alternate new guess during optimizations.
730 Counterpoise input specification.
731 Counterpoise intermediate data.
732 Basis set for finite nuclei.
733 PBC Cell scalars and integer cell indices.
734 State-specific input parameters for SAC-CI.
735 Excitation lables of SAC and SAC-CI.
736 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of SAC and SAC-CI.
737 H matrices and their indices of non-zero elements used for SAC/SAC-CI.
738 Saved atomic parameters for DFTB/EHTSC.
739 Temporary storage for imaginary core Hamiltonian perturbations.
740 Orbital information for SAC/SAC-CI gradients and PES by GSUM.
741 MOD Orbital information for SAC gradients.
742 Saved quadrature grid.
743 Alpha Fock matrices in orthonormal basis for ADMP, also alpha HF Fock matrix for non-HF post-SCF.
744 Beta Fock matrices in orthonormal basis for ADMP, also beta HF Fock matrix for non-HF post-SCF.
745 K-integration mesh information.
746 Eigenvalues and orbitals at all k-points.
747 Information for external low-level calculations for ONIOM.
748 TS vector information for ONIOM TS optimizations.
749 Conical intersection information for ONIOM.
750 Not used in G09.
751 Temporary storage for SO ECP integrals.
752 Pseudo-canonical MO Fock matrix for ROMP and ROCC.
753 Data for FD polar derivatives.
754 Saved PCM charge derivatives.
755 PCM inverse matrices.
756 Charge information for ONIOM.
757 MO:MO embedding charge data for L924.
758 Derivatives of embedding charges, when computed explicitly.
759 Basis set info for density embedding.
P 760 Full set of pseudocanonical orbitals for RO.
761 Charges from external PCM iterations (both L117 and L124).
762 Saved weights for non-symmetric Mulliken analysis.
763 File for FC/HT integrals.
764 File for FC/HT integrals.
P 765 Saved normal modes.
766 Saved QuadMac vectors (temporary).
767 CIS coefficients reordered by symmetry.
768 Semi-empirical parameters.
769 Saved MOs during numerical differentiation.
P 770 Saved ground-to-excited state energies and transition moments.
771 EOM iteration information.
772 Symmetry operations and character table in Abelian point group.
989 Multi-step job information (1000 reals and 2000 integers).
990 KJob info in some implementations.
991 Holds file names, ID’s and save flags.
992 Used for link substitution information in some implementations.
999 Overlay data.

Last update: 21 April 2014
